Saturday, June 30, 2012

Meeting with a friend in Ottawa

Sat down at La Bottega Nicastro Fine Food Shop (64 George Street, Ottawa, ON K1N 5V9). Nice place, a choice of sandwiches for an affordable $6 and entrees at a separate counter for $12-$16. It's a combo Italian grocery and restaurant.

Met with a colleague from Valley Catholic High School (we are both class of 2003). Somehow he made it to Canada from Portland! Seems the job market is really that bad in the states, even for someone with a graduate degree. Greg's a fun guy to hang out with, and seems to be fitting in well in Ottawa (and Canada). I heard from him that he, too, thinks Ottawa to be a bit boring, confirming my biases. I like having biases with no founding facts, so when he told me this I was a bit disappointed because I like spouting my mouth about things I know nothing about, and now I can't blindly bash Ottawa anymore, I have first hand knowledge. I'm too well-informed.

For people who don't know, St. George Street runs next to the ByWard market, a popular outdoor mall just east of Parliament Hill

Read more about it on WikiTravel.

Anyway, we spent about an hour catching up, and I commented that I don't need to go to our 10-year reunion because I'm already sitting down with everyone I would want to see again from high school. Haha, I kid, I kid, I think the 10-year will be a blast!

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