Sunday, July 08, 2012

Sioux Falls, SD

So I'm in Sioux Falls now. Ended up staying at a campsite called Big Sioux Recreation area. I got in a bit late, it was dark, and the fireflies were in full swing. It's really quite a show they put on, they are so bright that they light up the grass when they are flying through it. I spent a few minutes on my way to the restroom just watching a breezy grass field with hundreds of fireflies buzzing about.

I've got some video I'll post later.

I set up camp then went to a bar called Bucks to see what the locals were up to. It was an interesting crowd, a few people wearing cowboy hats, and country music interspersed with the classic club music.

I met a girl who offered to take me to the casino around the corner because they serve free drinks while you are gambling. I turned down the offer because I couldn't drink anyway, and I really don't support casinos, I think that they are bad for society and trashy in general. I gambled once in Vegas, lost all $50, and that was enough for me, for life.

Here are the falls that the town is named after. Some carp were trying to travel up the falls, unsuccessfully.

A farmer's market was running on Saturday, I stopped by and was surprised that in  farm country, I thought Montréal's markets are better, fresher, and larger.

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